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Key Differences between AWS & Azure
Cloud Computing

Key Differences between AWS & Azure

AWS & Azure are the most popular web services in the market. Corporations & businesses around the world utilize cloud computing services to improve overall efficiency.

There are some key differences between AWS & Azure.

If an organization requires a reputed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) technology, Azure is a top choice. When an organization’s requirements are for an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (Iaas), AWS is the go to option. PaaS introduces a well-established platform for cloud computing while AWS installs an infrastructure management console for cloud computing. While both web hosting and management services have a large grip on the market, AWS has gained more popularity in 2020. This is owing to the increased business reach of Amazon’s infrastructure in the global market. 

Key differences:

  • AWS has 31% share in the cloud computing market while Windows Azure has 11% share in the market.
  • Azure and AWS support hybrid cloud integration. Due to industry experience, Azure is known to support hybrid cloud integration better.
  • Azure specializes in express routes. AWS specializes in direct connection.
  • Azure security offers authentication permission to the entire account. AWS security is offered using a permission control feature for defined roles.
  • Azure machines are integrated into cloud service, responding to the same domain entity with multiple port features. The AWS machine features the option to be accessed independently.
  • Azure consists of a Virtual Network Cloud. AWS operates with a Virtual Private Cloud.
  • Azure hosts more or less 140 availability zones. AWS hosts only 61 availability zones.
  • AWS offers long term data archiving & retrieval. Azure does not offer any long term data archiving or retrieval.
  • AWS has improved reach in government cloud offerings. Azure has limited reach for government cloud offerings.
  • AWS offers more specialized tools for cloud computing. Azure has broader server control system.
  • Azure is start up friendly, high performance & low cost
  • AWS offers Zero setups, detail monitoring & Auto Scales Organization requirements

Both Amazon Web Services (AWS) & Microsoft Windows Azure are huge contenders in the global market for cloud computing adopted by organizations. While AWS has some advanced features, the control system is easier to manage on Azure.

The more established industry presence of Microsoft Windows Azure has given their service momentum and rapid advancement in cloud computing over the years. AWS on the other hand, has increased their grip on the Cloud Services market through effective marketing and the addition of advanced special features. The rapid development in cloud technology has resulted in both AWS & Azure, implementing technically advanced features to their web services.

The additional research and deployment of the latest technology has improved the market presence of both cloud computing titans over the year 2020. It goes to show that the healthy competition between AWS & Azure are igniting new discoveries and reinventing corporate culture as well as world trade infrastructure.

The chart above shows the market share by the percentage of the most advanced cloud computing titans in the world of information & technology. The statistics are heavily influenced by industry demands and the organizational structure that employs Cloud Computing services.

A drastic shift in thought leadership and technical infrastructure has resulted in the need for additional features in server management and cloud computing.

In the year 2018, Azure’s cloud adoption rate increased to up to 85% of that of AWS, a hike from the 70% increment in 2017. As of today, in 2020, AWS dominates the cloud infrastructre market share above Azure, outranking Google in market dynamics. Considering scalability, Microsoft Azure has a larger chunk of delivering highly-scalable compatibility with their services.

Advantages of AWS

Some noteworthy advantages of implementing AWS cloud services

  • Increase or decrease storage depending on the requirements of an organization
  • AWS enables the option to choose an operating system, programming language & database.
  • Broad range & Depp Learning services offered
  • AWS has a sturdy partner ecosystem
  • AWS is trusted by high-profile clients
  • The transfer stability over cloud is high
  • Mimimal Data loss during transfer
  • More data centers available
  • DevOps proficiency is higher
  • Easy to acquire liscencing procedures
  • Strong Business Intelligence & Analytics support

Advantages of Azure

Key advantages of Azure cloud services

  • Flexibility for developers & adopters to create, maintain & deploy web applications
  • Highly scalable cloud computing offered across multiple frameworks, languages and tools.
  • Microsoft legacy application support
  • Estabilished presence in understanding organizational requirements
  • Easy server migrations & transfers
  • Support for Linux/Windows environments
  • Inbuilt Azure stack helps organizations deliver services from a private data center

Disadvantages of AWS

Some major drawsback of AWS cloud integration are its,

  • Less hybrid cloud funcitonality
  • AWS elastic load balancer is not as advanced, returning data requests
  • No Customer support, requires a special support team
  • Designed for technically savvy users
  • A less open source private cloud
  • Not the first choicein the banking ndustry
  • AWS consists of many products, making it hard to select the ideal solution

Disadvantages of Azure

Some major drawbacks of Azure cloud integration are its,

  • Customer service is hosted globally, reducing efficiency
  • Extra charges apply in modifications along the way
  • Azure often experiences technical glitches that require additional resources to fix
  • Less flexibility about non-Windows servers, compared to AWS

A glimpse into the future of web services

AWS retains the position as market leader in cloud computing due to their global outreach in providing world class services. This makes AWS specialists some of the highest paid IT professionals in the industry. Ranging from Rs. 15,000,000 to Rs 27, 000,000 annually, cloud computing professionals are part of the growth of this industry.

However, the advances in cloud computing have amplified efficiency and growth for organizations far and wide. Both AWS & Azure have gained massive popularity in industries ranging from commerce & culture to automotives & manufacturing. The widespread adoption of cloud services has increased the demand for web services globally. With increased demand comes increased job opportunties for candidates & aspirants around the world.

In the coming years, a spike in server management services is expected to redefine the economic infrastructure, if it hasn’t already. A certification in either AWS or Azure could ensure that aspirants land one of the most highly sought after occupations in the world.

Acquire a certification in Cloud Computing from Innovative Academy to unlock a future full of opportunities. Explore our Courses Now & prepare for your Dream job.


  • Microsoft Azure Certification Course
  • AWS Solution Architect
  • AWS SysOps
  • AWS DevOps
Written by innovativeacademy - November 11, 2020 - 1963 Views

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